Tuesday, May 10, 2011

High Tunnel

Ok I've decide to apply at least for the high tunnel. I'm applying for 20X48 and it's 8' tall. I made a bold move today and stopped in at Price Chopper. After I had paid for my grocieries, I ask to visit with the store director there. I explained what I was planting south of town and ask about selling locally grown berries and produce there. He was basically trying to get rid of me mainly because I believe
1) I wasn't dressed properly 
2) I didn't have makeup on or hadn't brushed my hair
3) Lastly he explained that he has a lot of farmers coming in there trying to do this.
He assumed I was the same as everyone else. Well as he started to say this goodbye I made my move by asking if I could chat alittle further in his office. He invited me in...................Now my heart was pumping a tad harder and I hoped the words would come to me after I felt the need to push the conversation. I started off by appolizing for my appreance and further explained that I'm not just some local farmer wanting to sell their produce there. I have established relationships with the federal, state, county levels as far as regulations and requirements. I explained my operation further to him and how large I intended it to grow. The increase in goods coming from Mexico seems sad when they can be grown right here in Pleasant Hill. When I mentioned that I was becoming organic I was ask to take a chair. The Pleasant Hill store is remodeling and will include a large area of organic and creative foods. My goal with him was to make contract and start the chain to have a buyer before the produce got here instead of waiting to find a market when the produce is here. He gave me the regional buyer name who is in Kansas City.
So now why wouldn't I want to sign up for incentives.


  1. I love it! You are the only one I know who could talk their way in without your hair combed and no make up on. I like your style. Very proud of you.
